Despite current moisture levels our trees are drought stressed and if we get another dry summer, it will be tough for some to survive. Water is essential for trees to take up the nutrients they need to grow and thrive. Without those nutrients, a treeโs defence system shuts down, and it becomes an easy target for disease and pests.
Here are a few things a local arborist Trilogy Tree Services, suggests you do to help your trees through stressful times:

Regular pruning. Having trees pruned every 3-5 years is crucial in preventing stress. Not only does it improve light & airflow through the canopy and promote a healthy structure, but it also allows the tree to send nutrients to the strongest and most beneficial branches. This prevents the tree from wasting energy and allows it to focus those resources where they matter most. When pruning, an experienced arborist knows which branches to select to promote long-term health for your tree.

DED prevention for American Elms trees. As stated before, a stressed tree is far more susceptible to be overcome by an infestation or disease. Due to the years of drought conditions that we have faced, many of the trees in our city are already at a higher risk of infection. One way you can protect your trees is by injecting them preventatively every 3 years for Dutch Elm Disease.

Organic matter. Incorporating organic matter such as compost to the soil or applying mulch over the root zone of the tree adds valuable nutrients to the soil, improves soil structure as well as aids in regulating soil temperature & maintaining moisture, which makes once-a-week watering even more effective!