Update on the Montreal Biodiversity Pledge

Last year OURS, Trees Please Winnipeg, our amazing member groups as well as other environmental and climate organizations lobbied Winnipeg City Council to sign the Montreal Biodiversity Pledge. And Winnipeg is now formally listed as a signatory! https://montreal.ca/en/articles/montreal-pledge-call-cop15-launched-to-worlds-cities-39529 This pledge commits to the city to…

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New: Winnipeg Heat Island Map

We’ve added a temperature map to our Interactive Tree Loss Map. It’s a great way to visualize that impact of the heat island effect due to tree and green space loss. Just click on the interactive map then click on Winnipeg temperatures and the data…

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Set Trees Up for Success this Spring & Summer

Despite current moisture levels our trees are drought stressed and if we get another dry summer, it will be tough for some to survive. Water is essential for trees to take up the nutrients they need to grow and thrive. Without those nutrients, a tree’s…

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