Volunteers Plant 1000+ Trees on Churchill Parkway

In mid-May, over four different days, about 80 community members with huge assistance from City staff planted over a thousand bare-root stock specimens on the Churchill Parkway, with the intent of replicating the river-bottom habitat, with understory, middle-story, small trees and big trees. It was…

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Mapping & Mobilizing in Earl Grey

I always knew that we had a Dutch Elm Disease problem in the city, and had seen the “red dots of death” for years. During the summer of 2020, however, I really became aware of the extent of the problem in our neighbourhood of Earl Grey.

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A Giant Cottonwood Survives on Middle Gate

If you look beyond the weeds and the illegal dumping at the bottom of Middle Gate, you will discover one of Armstrong’s Point’s hidden treasures. Here stands a massive cottonwood tree, largely unnoticed by the public but well-known to arborists. Until fairly recently it was part of a small grove of companion trees. Now it stands alone, a sole survivor.

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How SOS Saved the Bois-des-Esprits Forest

For Save Our Seine (SOS), there is likely no greater feather in the cap than the jewel that is the “forest of spirits”, the Bois-des-Esprits. No single issue in SOS’ history took more out of its board than the fight to save the nearly 120-acre city forest from development.

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